Filmed by the great John Deurholt of Amsterdam. Edit by me.
Seeing Red
I wrote this while sitting on a bar stool in Mexico. There was a bullfight on the teevee and it made me think what it would look like through the bull’s eyes. Bull fights are bullshit in my opinion. The matador had a stuffed codpiece just like every other matador in this god-forsaken land. The […]
Random Type No Cell Service
December 14, 2018 17:40 Sipping coffee around the remains of last nights flameswatching ants carry loads of dead insectsdouble their sizeon their backsPacific northwest sun peaking around the cloudswarms my faceAs I swat a mosquito into the insect afterlifebreathing deeply andlistening to the birds.
A few pictures from a trip to Cuba. Havana Havana, old fort. Che Memorial swimming hole Farm
San Juan Del Sur, Nigaragua
April 11, 2018. Tucked away on the left coast of Nicaragua on the pacific ocean near Costa Rica is a little town called San Juan Del Sur. We recently went there for a week and some days to check it out and experience a bit of Nicaragua. We flew to Managua from Miami, then took […]
Friday Night in Denver
From 2006. A Friday night at Larimer Lounge. Lots of beer and lots of high-lights.